Our Partners
We proudly present the prestigious partners who significantly support and accompany the product. This includes the scientific board, comprised of leading experts in their fields, doctors who work closely with the product team, and recognized medical societies. The close collaboration with these professionals ensures the highest quality and expertise of the product.
Scientific Advisory Board

Priv.-Doz. Dr. med. univ. Veronika Matzi
Thoracic Surgeon, Private Clinic Villach

Univ. Prof. Mag. Pharm. Dr. Reinhold Wintersteiger
University Graz

Priv.-Doz Hannes Gatterer PhD
Vice Head of Institute of Mountain Emergency Medicine

Vienna International Academy for Integrative Medicine

International Society for Autonomous Functional Diagnostics and Regulatory Medicine

Doctors' Platform for Orthomolecular Medicine

Austrian Medical Society for Biological Regulatory Medicine and Homotoxicology

Association of German Naturopaths and Natural Healers